Monday, May 17, 2010

Where to begin?

It is kind of hard to start talking about this subjects and so i think that thou i can make you drink  if take you to the pond you will have a drink because i know that if you get a taste of the truth you will come back for more.

Some of the things in these videos in fact most of them will expand your paradigm of what is "possible" they may offend your religious beliefs but that is not or has ever been my point.

Right of the bet let me tell you that the point of this blog is to show you evidence not always proof and they are different bear that in mind that these conspiracies are not theoretical at all.
Bear in mind that a mountain of empirical evidence makes for more than enough proof.

I believe that we are not alone in this universe that is simply stupid to assume that we are alone and i will get to that in future postings. The real history of this world is nothing like what we were tough in school and as anyone can see the government is not there to help you or take care of you it is there simply to maintain the status quo

So lets start with an acclaimed filmmaker and a accomplished journalist 
A lecture by Jim Marrs given on 2008 about his book above top secret:

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

if you feel like you are open minded start here:

David Willcock 2012 enigma 

Most of these videos are available at the project Camelot website 
There you can find a lot of stuff by a lot of "wisheblowers" and very serious people who dedicated their lives to their research in many cases they encompass all kinds of subjects so you can have a good pick there is some stuff there i am not very certain but this website may be the very best place to check out what is out there and we haven't been told about. A MUST VISIT!!

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