Saturday, June 5, 2010

Evidence of a civilization in Mars

As postulated by many serious researchers like Richard Hoagland and Joshep Farrel here is some food for tough ancient, modern,alien,or our from a long lost past? I think its a little of all of it. As we are not alone and never been alone seeing how savage we can be as a race(alien manipulation or not) it is only fair to assume they can only be savages and intergalatic war its not so far off the wall.

Report #084
March 6, 2005 (updated 2/9/2008 & again 3/15/2008)
Joseph P. Skipper

J. P. Skipper can be contacted at

More on this:
Richar Hoagland

Richard Hoagland Website: a little hard to navigate but full of stuff i can only describe as crazy shit! but i think he is really on the ball here its all real!!!

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