Saturday, June 5, 2010

MMS Miracle Mineral Suplement a cure for Cancer -
Jim Humbles and the world's most fortunate "accident" discovery

My intent with this post is to alert people to the existance of MMS and help them find more info on it.  IT WOKRS IT CURES IT JUST CHEMISTRY

In a long story short MMS or chlorine dioxide is a chemical that works in a very similar way to your immune system that kill virus bacteria etc by oxidation. MMS its like a very safe simple sort of a booster that makes more oxygen available to your immune system It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours the patient is The victim goes back to work the next day. In Jim Humbles words "it blows a hole on the side of the parasite" so there is no resistance to this drug as no pathogen can be immune to oxygen.  

Simply put a regiment couple drops a day (plus other measures such as depending on the illness) will cure cancer, AIDS, Malaria and all pathogen originated diseases of course not all in 4 hrs. This is real its here and i wouldn't be wasting my time if it wasn't.
Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells
MMS cannot warm the body due to an electrical charge called ORP Oxidation reduction potential if you want do more research.

Its great for your teeth and all sortf of things and it cant do you any harm Big pharmaceutical companies surely do not want you to have this knowledge as they can hold the patent on this molecule that is in such abundance in the world the oceans are full of it!

Project Camelot interviews Jim Humble, the man behind Miracle Mineral Supplement


Meet Me In Naimey -- A Jim Humble Adventure

The internet is full of info on MMS and the world is your oyster and google your "loyal steed" in your guest.  

Useful Links and Sources:

Jim Humble's Personal Writings and Methods of using the MMS
Understaning MMS a 5 page brochure PDF

Em portugues

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